12 Wild Animals Share Parenting Struggles That Are Totally Relatable

Is my kid the only one who does this?”—a question parents often find themselves asking. No matter how wonderful your child is, there are times when their actions make you question your own patience and ability to handle parenting.

The good news? The answer is a definite “no.” Whatever puzzling behavior your child is exhibiting, they’re not alone. Whether it’s a meltdown over the color of their cup (even though it’s exactly what they requested) or climbing to the top of the fridge in a flash, other kids—across the entire animal kingdom—are facing similar challenges.

While parenting humans can be more complex, it’s comforting for exhausted parents to know that kids of all kinds can be equally… unpredictable.

How relatable are these classic parenting moments?

When you have to carry your toddler, only for them to immediately run away the second you set them down.
That stare of resignation is so familiar. As one commenter put it: “That's the look of, ‘Let me calm down before the ‘I brought you into this world and I can take you out' comes into play.'”

When you're trying to pull your toddler away from something that's caught their attention.
Mom’s like, “Come on, sweetie… no, this way… we have to go now… but I have a snack… how about ice cream?”

When your baby is just learning to walk, and though you want to help, you know they need to fall sometimes to learn.
Awww, that sweet little moment of struggle is so endearing.

When it's time to leave the playground and your kid absolutely refuses.
100% relatable.

When you're trying to nap with your child, but they can’t stop wiggling around.
“Just lie still and go to sleeeeeeep.”

When the teenager starts thinking they can do whatever they want.
This is the look that says, “When you pay the mortgage, you can sit wherever you want.”

When your kid desperately needs a bath, but they want nothing to do with it.
Some kids love baths, others… not so much. Apparently, pandas are no exception.

When your kid keeps using you as a climbing structure.
Seriously, I’m not a jungle gym, kid.

When Dad says no, and your kid goes running to Mom.
At least they get some sympathy.

When Mom reaches her limit and just can’t handle being touched anymore.
You're affectionate 99% of the time, but sometimes it's “If one more person touches me today, I'm done.”

When the whining never stops.
Definitely the penguin version of “Mama, mama, mama, mama…”

When the tantrums feel endless and you just need a break.
Sometimes you help them through it, other times, you just need to step away before you lose your mind. It’s all about balance.

Parenting is full of highs and lows, and it's comforting to know we're not alone in the tough moments. It's interesting to see how calm and patient many of these parents are, despite the chaos. Maybe there’s a lesson for us all—no matter the species.

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