Mail carrier pens a relatable song for dog owners who let their dogs roam off-leash

Mail carriers often don't get the recognition they deserve. They brave all kinds of weather to deliver mail—whether it's rain, snow, sleet, or even a tropical storm—whenever they're on the clock. This means they face not only challenging conditions but also encounter unique animals and people along the way.

In some areas, mail carriers walk through neighborhoods to deliver mail because mailboxes are on the houses, not at the curb. This can sometimes mean dealing with loose dogs, which can be a major problem. It's one of the reasons postal workers carry pepper spray, a tool I was especially grateful for when a couple of dogs once tried to attack me. Fortunately, the mail carrier saved the day by using his spray to protect me. Loose dogs are a common challenge for postal workers, and not all of them are friendly.

When Ari B., a mail carrier, shared a song about dealing with these dogs, it resonated with many. The catchy tune, set to Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody,” had people nodding in agreement. In the video, Ari, still in uniform inside her mail truck, sings her version of the song, showcasing a powerful voice that might just have “America’s Got Talent” calling.

Ari’s song opens with: “Your dog, it ain't on the leash, so you ain't getting mail from me. Why you think that's cool? Then you're telling me he don't bite while he's drooling at the mouth like he wanna eat me.”

The song continues with Ari explaining that if the dog is unleashed and acting aggressively, she's going to use her pepper spray. The chorus hits hard: “If I let this go, I’m spraying this whole bottle, I said this whole bottle. You need to be more responsible, plus I can’t run that fast if he bites me I’ma sue your a**.”

The whole track is relatable for anyone who’s had to deal with unruly pets during a delivery, and people in the comments were loving Ari’s vocal talents. Some even suggested this should be the official anthem for all mail carriers.

One commenter joked, “Yeah imma have a little chit chat with my mail lady because she not coming with these vocals when dropping off these bills lol.”

Another wrote, “I’ve watched this too many times, I know the rhythm and cadence, singing it like it’s an actual song.”

“Are you a huge star in another dimension?? Your voice is EVERYTHING! Like is there an album I can try singing along with?” asked another fan.

Ari’s vocal performance has definitely set a high bar for expectations of mail delivery, but in reality, postal workers just want you to follow simple rules—keep your dogs inside or on a leash while they’re doing their job. Their work is tough enough without the added challenge of dodging dogs or belting out tunes. While Ari’s singing is exceptional, let’s not expect every mail carrier to turn every delivery into a concert.

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