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Mother Shares How Unsolicited Parenting Tips from Strangers Led to Severe Anxiety

What about giving birth prompts others to feel entitled to share unsolicited advice? While receiving guidance from family and friends can be manageable, some of the most intrusive comments come from strangers, whether in person or online.

A recent experience shared by a mother highlights how unsolicited advice from strangers can lead to significant anxiety. In a TikTok video, creator Young Mi Mayer recounts how a stranger scolded a young mother for not dressing her toddler warmly.

Mayer explains that babies and toddlers effectively communicate their discomfort and pain to their parents. She shares with her followers, โ€œFor those without children, it might not be obvious, but babies and toddlers are naturally inclined to show any signs of discomfort to their caregivers.โ€

The phenomenon of “mom shaming” is nothing new. It’s been around as long as there have been parents. Despite its long history, the pressure to meet everyone’s expectations, including those of strangers, remains intense. Mayer reflects on her own experiences with her now 8-year-old son, recalling how she would experience severe anxiety every time she left her home.

This anxiety stemmed from the need to ensure that her childโ€™s clothing was appropriate for the weather to avoid criticism from strangers. Mayer recounts being told her baby needed sunglasses due to the bright sun. While it’s clear that shouting at strangers is unacceptable, many mothers have faced similar situations.


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