Soon-to-Be Dad Seeks Parenting Advice, and Parents Respond with Heartwarming Stories.

The journey to becoming a parent can be overwhelming, with everyone offering congratulations, advice, and often alarming predictions about how life will change. 

Though well-meaning, these warnings can sometimes overshadow the joy and excitement that should accompany this time. While it’s important to be realistic about the challenges of parenthood, constantly hearing about sleepless nights and toddler tantrums can make it seem more daunting than it truly is.

This was the situation soon-to-be dad Harris Fanaroff found himself in. Seeking a break from the negative narratives, he turned to Twitter to ask parents what they truly love about raising kids.

โ€œIโ€™m tired of hearing theโ€ฆ’ Youโ€™ll never sleep again’ ‘Your travel life is over’ ‘Say goodbye to your weekends,โ€™โ€ Fanaroff tweeted. โ€œMy first baby is joining us in the next 3 weeks and Iโ€™m excited, nervous, anxious, and grateful. Iโ€™d love to hear your favorite parts of having a newborn/baby/kids.”

Fanaroff anticipated a few responses but was pleasantly surprised by the flood of heartwarming replies from parents eager to share the joys of raising children.

“Babies are magic,” Mary Katharine Ham wrote. “I just had my fourth, and it never ceases to amaze me how much you can love spending time with someone you’ve just met who can’t even talk yet. Nothing beats having a baby snoozing on your chest. You have many moments of wonder and sleepy smiles ahead of you!”

Another user, Teddy Mitrosilis, shared, “Waking them up in the morning. Our 6-month-old greets us with the biggest smile every day as if she’s astonished to have another day. Enjoy every single one of those moments!”

Vincenzo Landino, whose daughter had just turned 11 months old, added, “It’s incredible. Watching her face light up with awe every time she experiences something new is amazing. Sheโ€™s already picking up on little quirks from me and my wife. Itโ€™s all so awesome. Just enjoy the ride and do what works for you.”

Jason Schulweis chimed in with, “Babies open up a whole new part of life filled with love, joy, happiness, meaning, and purpose. Your perspective on life changes, and your heart grows. It’s the best thing in the world.”

Parents like Kahlil Ashanti emphasized the emotional impact, saying, “You will be more proud than ever, and though your heart may be heavy with the burdens of the world, it will also be filled with hope because your child will know your love. Donโ€™t let anyone tell you otherwise. I have three boys, and they are my joy.”

Others, like Robbie Britt, focused on the small, precious moments: “The handhold. Itโ€™ll start with them grabbing your finger, and one day, while you’re walking, you’ll feel them reach up and grab your hand. Thatโ€™s when the heart melts!”

The overwhelming consensus was that the positive aspects of parenting far outweigh any negatives. As Jason Cohen put it, “The good stuff outweighs the bad 100:1. Holding that little life, watching them discover the world, the giggles, the little hands on your faceโ€”itโ€™s all worth it.”

Fanaroff shared that he and his wife had read hundreds of these responses together and found them refreshing. After receiving over 3,000 positive comments, he said he was most looking forward to seeing his wife become a mom, witnessing their babyโ€™s first smile and laugh, and even experiencing that “new baby smell.”

Ultimately, this outpouring of love and joy serves as a reminder that while parenthood comes with its challenges, the rewards are truly priceless.


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