Woman Uncovers the Adorable Reason All the Dogs Keep Gathering in One Spot on the Lawn

Trisha, a TikTok user, was initially concerned when her senior dog, Jackie, seemed fixated on a particular spot in the yard. Even the neighbor’s dog was intrigued, peering through the fence to get a better look.

When Trisha checked out the area, she discovered the dogs were guarding a cozy burrow housing a nest of baby bunnies.

“George didn’t seem too interested, probably confused about what they were,” Trisha shared with The Dodo. “But Jackie just seemed to want to babysit.”

At first, Trisha worried the dogs might harm the bunnies, but it quickly became clear that they were actually protecting them. It was heartwarming to see how the dogs showed such care for their tiny neighbors.

To keep an eye on the situation, Trisha and her husband set up a security camera, only to discover that the mother rabbit had been visiting the babies at night. Trisha suspects the mother lives under their house.

In a few weeks, the bunnies will be ready to leave the burrow and explore the world on their own. Until then, Trisha, her husband, and their dogs will continue to watch over them.

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