
16 Pet Quirks So Bizarre You’ll Have to See to Believe

When my old dog, Murray, wanted my attention but barking and pawing didn’t work, he’d start making noises that sounded eerily like human speech. I can’t be certain he was consciously trying to communicate like a person, but it’s hard to explain it any other way.

It’s always fascinating when pets blur the boundaries between species by displaying human-like behaviors. However, trying to describe these moments to someone who hasn’t experienced them often gets met with skepticism or indifference.

That’s why I rarely mentioned Murray’s quirky “talking” ability to others.

Recently, a Reddit user, DMLorance, opened up a discussion in the AskReddit community, inviting pet owners to share their unbelievable pet quirks. The thread asked, “Pet owners of Reddit, what strange behavior does your pet (past or present) have that no one believes when you tell them?”

Here are 16 of the most amusing and astonishing responses shared in that thread:

1. Bedtime Boss

“Every night at 10 p.m., my childhood dog would remind me it was bedtime. If I was still in the living room watching TV, she’d sit in the doorway and give soft ‘boofs' until I followed her to bed. This routine went on throughout my high school years until she passed away at 15. I miss her sass every day.” — Shibsmarie

2. The Human-Sleeping Cat

“My cat insists on sleeping in bed like a human. He rests his head on my pillow, snuggles under the blanket, and presses up against me as if he were a baby. If I stop cuddling him, he gets upset and boops my nose to signal he wants more snuggles.” — Dominoodles

3. The Bowl Snob

“My dog refused to drink from a regular dog bowl. After a trip to the vet revealed he was dehydrated, we discovered he would only drink from a dish like the ones we use for soup. If we tried to switch back to a dog bowl, he’d stop drinking and get sick. It’s still a mystery why.” — O_Pacaba

4. Handstand Pee Trick

“My childhood dog had a weak leg, so when he wanted to pee on something to his left, he’d do a handstand instead of putting pressure on the bad leg. What’s crazier? Our younger dog copied this behavior and started doing handstands every single time he peed, thinking that’s how it’s done!” — LovelyShananigator

5. Fetching Feline

“My cat loves playing fetch with stuffed toys. If I don’t throw it far enough, he gets annoyed and insists I do better. His favorite is chasing the toy down into the basement.” — Upaupa212

6. Dog Speaks Cat

“My toy poodle, Yoda, would meow like a cat whenever I said, ‘Yoda, go meow.' I said it jokingly at first, but eventually, he started doing it for real. He was a one-of-a-kind good boy.” — T-Rocks

7. Storytime Pup

“My dog insists I read to him. He’ll nudge my book with his head and paw at me until I start reading out loud.” — rogettheboat

8. Furry Rule Enforcer

“Our dog acts like a hall monitor for our cats. If he sees them doing something we’ve corrected them for in the past, he steps in to scold them by barking until they stop.” — ealoft

9. Tap-Turning Cat

“In an old house, my cat figured out how to turn on the bathroom sink by pushing or pulling the faucet. I’d often walk in to find the water running. Too bad he never learned how to turn it off.” — ashleyracheleee

10. Canine Security System

“My dad’s dog arranges squeaky toys at doorways and staircases as an alarm system. Each toy is chosen for its volume and placed strategically depending on which way the door swings. If you move one, he’ll reposition it later when you’re not looking.” — [Deleted]

11. The TV Fan

“Our dog loves watching TV. It doesn’t matter what’s on—she’ll sit and watch intently like she’s following along with the plot.” — crabgal

12. Push-Up Partner

“Whenever I do push-ups, my dog slides underneath me and pushes against my chest like he’s trying to help me finish a rep.” — coturnixxx

13. Toilet-Trained Cat

“We once had a cat who potty-trained himself using my toddler’s small toilet. He peed and pooped in it like clockwork. We still had to clean it, but it was pretty impressive.” — Fr3aky_Monded

14. Ninja Fetch

“My cat Ninja loved fetching toys with a twist. She’d drop a toy mouse in my lap, climb to the top of a recliner, and crouch in position. When I threw the mouse, she’d leap and catch it mid-air every time. She never got tired of it.” — Ashwilliamsboomstick

15. Light-Switch Cat

“My cat can turn lamps on and off. He grabs the twist knob with his teeth and rotates it. It’s amazing to watch.” — Fournote

16. Songwriting Parrot

“My parrot only whistled but sometimes pieced together little tunes. They weren’t masterpieces, but they were unique mashups of songs he liked. He was a creative little guy.” — JavierLoustanuau

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