
Why Do Cats Knead? 6 Reasons Your Cat Loves Making Biscuits on You and Your Belongings

If you've ever seen your cat kneading on a soft blanket or even your lap, you might have noticed their relaxed demeanor and rhythmic paw movements. This adorable behavior, often referred to as “making biscuits,” is something cat owners are all too familiar with, but the reasons behind it can be a bit puzzling. Why do cats knead? What’s the deal with them making biscuits?

According to Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital in Clifton Park, New York, there are several reasons behind this behavior:

1. They Feel Safe and Content, Like They Did as Kittens

One of the primary reasons cats knead is that it’s linked to kittenhood behavior. When kittens nurse, they knead their mother’s belly to help stimulate milk flow. This action is associated with comfort, warmth, and safety. As adult cats, they may knead when they feel relaxed or happy, recreating the cozy, nurturing feelings they experienced as kittens.

2. They Show Affection

Cats may also knead as a way to express love. Kneading can be seen as their way of saying, “I feel safe and happy with you,” as it mimics the affection they showed their mothers. So, when your cat makes biscuits on you, it could be their unique way of bonding and showing gratitude for the care and comfort you provide.

3. They're Preparing a ‘Nest'

Kneading may also be linked to their wild ancestors. Before domestic cats, wild felines would knead grass or leaves to create a comfortable spot to rest. This behavior could be a throwback to that survival instinct, where kneading helps them prepare a cozy space to sleep and relax.

4. They’re Extremely Relaxed

Sometimes, a cat’s kneading session is simply about relaxation. If your cat is kneading in a slow, meditative manner, it could be a sign that they’re in a state of pure contentment, or perhaps stretching their muscles before taking a nap.

5. They're Marking Their Territory

Cats are territorial creatures, and kneading is one way they leave their scent behind. Cats have scent glands in their paws, and kneading is a way for them to mark their space—whether that’s your lap or a cozy spot on the couch. It's their way of saying, “This is mine!” and, yes, you are part of their territory, too.

6. They're in Heat or Labor

For unspayed female cats, kneading can sometimes indicate that they’re in heat or going into labor. If your cat suddenly starts kneading more frequently, it could be a sign that she’s getting ready to mate or is preparing for the arrival of kittens. However, this only applies to cats that haven’t been spayed.

What Should You Do if Your Cat Kneads on You?

When a cat starts kneading on you, there’s no one-size-fits-all response. Some cats enjoy being petted while kneading, while others prefer to knead in peace without additional interaction. “There’s so much individual variability,” says certified animal behaviorist Kristyn Vitale.

If you don’t want your cat to knead on you, there’s not much you can do to stop it. However, you can minimize the discomfort by keeping your cat’s claws trimmed or using a thick blanket as a buffer.

Most cat owners find this behavior endearing, as it’s a clear sign that their feline feels safe and happy in their environment. So, the next time your cat starts making biscuits, enjoy the moment and appreciate the positive connection they’re sharing with you.

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