Firefighters from the San Bernardino County Fire Department found themselves in a tricky situation when two 5-month-old puppies, Peo and Finn, became trapped in a tortoise’s den. But with a bit of creativity and a tortoise's love for watermelon, they were able to free the pups.
The incident took place in Yucca Valley, where the puppies crawled deep into the den of Oscar, a 100-pound African Sulcatta tortoise. When Oscar returned home, the puppies found themselves stuck inside with no food or water.
Given the den’s depth, the firefighters realized they couldn’t simply crawl in to retrieve the puppies, and digging could risk causing the den to collapse. Instead, they decided to use a big, juicy piece of watermelon on a stick to entice Oscar out of his den.
As tortoises are known to love watermelon, the firefighters hoped Oscar would be lured out. Though the fruit initially piqued his interest, he stopped just short of exiting.
“The tasty watermelon trick was unsuccessful,” said the San Bernardino County Fire Department, according to Newsweek. “Firefighters went to plan B, digging.”
After digging up the final feet of the den, they were able to pull Oscar out, and soon enough, Peo and Finn scampered out, covered in dirt but safe and sound.
“We are glad we could assist with this unique call, and there was such a positive outcome!” said the police on the scene, according to Newsweek.