
Couple’s Struggle with Pregnancy Leads to Surprise Birth of Identical Triplet Boys

A family in England received an early Christmas surprise when Shannon, 29, and Ace Page, 28, welcomed identical triplets through in vitro fertilization (IVF), after initially being told by doctors they were expecting twins. “Life has changed so much since the boys were born as they are now our main priority and all that matters now,” Shannon shared with Upworthy. “It feels amazing to finally be parents, especially after feeling like we were never going to be parents to now having 3 beautiful boys.”

The couple from Wincanton, Somerset, had tried to conceive naturally for years before having their first embryo implanted in March 2024. They began sharing their pregnancy journey on TikTok, where during their 7-week scan, doctors told them they were expecting twins.

However, at their 9-week scan, they learned Shannon was also carrying baby #3. The ultrasound technician revealed three “really nice, strong heartbeats.”

“There was only supposed to be one as they transferred one embryo, we are so happy💙💙💙,” the couple shared on TikTok, posting a video of the ultrasound.

Their next TikTok video revealed they were having all boys, celebrating the news at a gender reveal party where they popped balloons filled with blue confetti. Ace, overjoyed, ran to his friends for hugs.

Shortly after, Shannon faced health complications and stopped posting on TikTok. In a later update, she shared the difficult experience of carrying the triplets to term.

“At 17 weeks I kept fainting, and this time I was unconscious for a considerable amount of time,” she recalled.

Sadly, a later scan revealed one of the triplets likely wouldn't survive past Week 21 due to a twin-to-twin transfusion. Doctors advised the couple to consider terminating the pregnancy to save the other two, but after weighing the risks, they chose to let nature take its course.

On October 6, 2024, at 29 weeks and 6 days, Shannon unexpectedly went into labor. She underwent a C-section and welcomed Enzo (2 pounds, 11 ounces), Aljo (2 pounds, 13 ounces), and Cruz (2 pounds, 7 ounces).

“Three beautiful identical triplet boys starting their NICU journey 💙💙💙,” they wrote.

The boys were immediately taken to the NICU, where they continue to grow stronger. Cruz overcame a stomach infection called NEC, requiring 10 days without feeding and isolation from his brothers. Enzo is thriving without breathing support, while Aljo still requires some assistance.

Although the triplets are not yet home, the family is hopeful for a Christmas reunion. “It would mean the world for us to have the boys home in time for their first Christmas surrounded by family,” Shannon told Upworthy.

To celebrate, Shannon and Ace dressed the boys in matching “First Christmas” onesies with tiny mistletoe beanies.

“Merry Christmas from the boys,” they wrote in their video.

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