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Mom Shares Crucial Tips After Her Son Got His Car Seatbelt Stuck Around His Neck

Children often find themselves in unsettling situations due to their boundless curiosity and limited impulse control. Whether it’s a curious attempt to stick a bead up their nose or fiddling with a seatbelt, these scenarios can quickly escalate, leaving parents alarmed and searching for solutions.

Recently, a mother shared a frightening experience involving her son and a seatbelt. The boy, while playing, managed to get the seatbelt tangled around his neck. Seatbelts are designed to lock in place to protect passengers during an accident, but this feature became a problem when the boy pulled the slack out and then let go, causing the belt to tighten around his neck.

As the boy moved, the seatbelt tightened further, despite his attempts to free himself. The mother, realizing what was happening, struggled to remove the seatbelt, leading to a tense and frantic situation. Thankfully, she was eventually able to free her son, but the incident was a source of considerable panic.

This story resonated with another mother, who recounted her own alarming experience. She is a licensed therapist and runs a social media account, Raising Cultures, which documents her blended family through adoption. She shared that her oldest son, at around age six, had also become entangled in a seatbelt while she was driving. Out of boredom, he had wrapped the seatbelt around his neck.

As she described her panic, she detailed how she leapt out of the van, desperately trying to free her son, while her husband eventually had to tear through the seatbelt to rescue him. The distressing experience, coupled with the recent story from the other mother, prompted her to share a public service announcement about the dangers of seatbelts becoming tangled around children's necks.

To prevent a similar incident from happening again, she now keeps a seatbelt cutter in all her family’s vehicles. Seatbelt cutters are particularly useful in emergencies where cars might be submerged in water, but they also serve as a precaution against such seatbelt entanglements. The mother’s experience underscores the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations, especially when dealing with curious children.

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