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Meet Hector: The Hummingbird Friend Who’s Bringing Joy to Millions

Hummingbirds are mesmerizing creatures, often attracting enthusiasts who set up feeders in their gardens. But for Julian, known as @birdperson666 on TikTok and Instagram, his relationship with a local hummingbird named Hector has reached a heartwarming level of connection.

Julian's videos featuring Hector have captured the attention of over 2 million followers. According to Julian, it took just five days for Hector, affectionately dubbed “the nectar collector,” to begin feeding from his hand. Hector now visits Julian multiple times a day, drawn by the soothing sound of Julian’s deep voice and the hummingbird’s own charming, iridescent presence.

Hummingbirds are remarkable animals, with their wings beating up to 200 times per second during a dive and their ability to fly forwards, backwards, and hover in place. Their metabolism is incredibly high, requiring them to consume twice their body weight in food daily. This explains why Hector has been a frequent visitor to Julian’s window for years, eagerly sipping from the feeder.

Julian’s videos of Hector, which began gaining popularity during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, typically feature Julian calling out, “Yo, Hectorrrrr,” as he holds out a feeder filled with sugar water. Hector, with his tiny beak, responds by fluttering over to enjoy a snack.

Occasionally, Hector even perches on Julian's finger while feeding. Hummingbirds have excellent memories and recognize familiar voices, which explains Hector’s repeated visits. Despite occasional absences of weeks or months, Hector always returns, as he belongs to a non-migratory species with a permanent nearby home.

Julian uses a recipe from the Audubon Society for the nectar, mixing four parts water with one part white granulated sugar to closely mimic natural flower nectar.

In early 2023, Julian moved to a new apartment and had to part ways with Hector. However, a new female hummingbird has already taken Hector's place, landing on Julian’s hand and continuing the tradition of delightful hummingbird interactions.

Julian’s dedication to sharing his unique bond with Hector has brought joy to many, and his new feathered friend promises to keep that joy alive.

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