


Dad Records Baby’s Sounds for a Year, Then Remakes AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ Using Them

There’s nothing quite like the sounds a baby makes—especially when a dad takes those sounds and uses them to recreate one of the most iconic rock songs of all time. Enter Matt MacMillan, a dad and video editor, who spent an entire year capturing his baby’s noises to craft an epic version of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck.” The result? A jaw-droppingly adorable rendition that’s a must-watch. The video, which has racked up […]

Dad Records Baby’s Sounds for a Year, Then Remakes AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ Using Them Read Post »


Dad Shows How to Soothe a Crying Baby in Just 18 Seconds

Anyone who’s ever had a baby knows that the sound of crying can be incredibly overwhelming. For some, the constant wails are a daily challenge, while others might experience brief crying spells. But for many, those cries can feel like torture. For some babies, the reason behind the crying is easy to identify—maybe they’re hungry, need a diaper change, or are overtired. While these problems are usually simple to fix,

Dad Shows How to Soothe a Crying Baby in Just 18 Seconds Read Post »

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Dad’s Hilarious Reaction to Learning Babies Don’t Have Kneecaps Is Cracking Everyone Up!

Becoming a first-time parent introduces a whole world of fascinating facts you might never have considered before. For example, did you know that babies don’t produce tears until they’re about 3 to 4 weeks old? Or that their stomachs are only the size of a tiny walnut? Amazing, right? It’s enough to leave any new parent in awe. Thanks to TikTok, we get to witness one dad’s shock and wonder

Dad’s Hilarious Reaction to Learning Babies Don’t Have Kneecaps Is Cracking Everyone Up! Read Post »


3-Month-Old Baby Stuns Mom and Sister by Speaking Full Sentences—There Might Be an Explanation

Babies aren’t supposed to talk—it’s a widely accepted fact that doesn’t require much debate. Babies cry because they lack the ability to use words to express their needs, or so we’ve always believed. But what if some babies could talk, and it’s simply something we haven’t encountered because of the vastness of the world? Social media has made it easier than ever to glimpse extraordinary moments from people’s lives. One

3-Month-Old Baby Stuns Mom and Sister by Speaking Full Sentences—There Might Be an Explanation Read Post »

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