
Family Dressed as Golden Retriever’s Favorite Toy Takes It to the Next Level

Most dogs have a favorite toy—the one they treat with extra care, always keep close, and somehow never destroy. For Charlie, a lovable golden retriever, that toy is a stuffed duck named Mr. Quackers. But Charlie's humans took things to a whole new level by bringing Mr. Quackers to life.

Back in March 2022, the family went viral after revealing their hilarious surprise: a life-sized Mr. Quackers costume. Charlie’s reaction to his giant “toy” was pure joy. Now, they’ve shared an even funnier follow-up video, showing all the things Charlie and his oversized duck buddy do together.

With the right theme music, this duo could star in their own sitcom. The new video features Mr. Quackers being the ultimate pet parent—taking Charlie for a walk, giving him a bath, and, of course, playing with him. Charlie likely knows it’s his human inside the costume, but that only adds to the fun.

Viewers can’t get enough of the heartwarming chaos:

💬 “Had a bad day, but now I can go to sleep happy and with a smile on my face. Keep spreading the love!”
💬 “I love this. It’s totally bonkers, but look how happy your dog is!”
💬 “You are the kindest, most loving dog people ever! And your dog is certainly the happiest in Dogland!”

Charlie and Mr. Quackers have officially won the internet, and fans are hoping for more adorable adventures. In the meantime, you can watch their latest antics on their official Instagram page.

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