
How to Befriend a Crow in 4 Surprising Steps, Thanks to Their Shocking Intelligence

When it comes to pet birds, most people think of parrots or canaries, but rarely does anyone consider keeping a crow. However, research shows that crows are highly intelligent, curious, and even self-aware.

These remarkable birds can recognize human faces, form preferences, and use tools. If you’re curious about experiencing the magic of crows up close, YouTube user Kräri The Crow from Germany shared a video detailing how to befriend the crows in your neighborhood in four simple steps. It’s all about “some food and some patience.”

1. Find a Pair of Crows

Crows are often found in areas populated by humans, so there’s a good chance there are some in your neighborhood. Start by identifying a pair of crows with a fixed territory, as this will allow you to build a relationship with the same crows over time and “slowly get to know each other.”

2. Offer Food

Crows are opportunistic eaters and will gladly munch on a variety of foods, from insects and meat to nuts, worms, and vegetables. The key is to offer food in the same spot and at the same time each day, which helps establish a routine for the birds.

3. Be Mindful

When approaching crows, ensure they don’t seem nervous or ready to fly away. Keep a calm, non-threatening demeanor by looking at them with an open, relaxed gaze. Avoid sudden movements and sit quietly, allowing the birds to approach you at their own pace.

4. Let the Birds Come to You

Patience is key. At first, the crows may be hesitant, but they are incredibly observant. They’ll recognize your face and remember your kindness. Give them time to adjust, earn their trust, and come closer when they feel comfortable.

In the video’s closing message, Kräri The Crow reminds viewers that while befriending crows can be a rewarding experience, they are meant to soar freely in the sky—not be confined to a cage.

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